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couple wakes in morning on honeymoon

Our top reasons to stay in a vacation home instead of a hotel

Hood River Vacation Rentals-2

Why choose a Hood River vacation rental instead of a hotel, camping or your sisters sofa…

1. Value for the price – cost per square foot is unmatched and unique amenities add value!

2. Privacy – your friend’s teething screamer, their 3 year old that wants to chat with you in the bathroom, the dog that eats your favorite shoes… or a private retreat.

3. Full kitchen facilities – We have amazing local food at our farmer’s markets and shops, why settle for the overpriced, packaged “food” the hotel restaurant brought from the warehouse two states over? Enjoy the view on your deck while supper sizzles on the BBQ.

4. More space overall – One to six bedroom homes, some with multiple family rooms, decks, yards to romp in… spread out enjoy!

5. Amenities – From private hot tubs, spa bathrooms, dog runs and multiple bedrooms to fireplaces, stunning views and movie theater, choose the combo that is perfect for you from a wide variety of options.

6. Extra rooms – Room to unwind and varying bedtimes? No problem!

7. Family and Friends “togethering” – Quality time – priceless.


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