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Hood River Family Activities to Beat the Summer Heat

While Hood River, Oregon may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of top summer destinations, you will be pleasantly surprised at all there is to do. Hood River features local attractions and activities that are perfect for family members of all ages to enjoy. Here are some incredible Hood River family activities your family will love this summer:

Try Out Wind Surfing

Hood River is located right off the Columbia River, one of the Pacific Northwest’s top wind surfing locales. Each year wind surfers and stand up paddle boarders head to the city to enjoy this popular pastime. If your family has never tried wind surfing, you are in luck, as many local shops offer lessons all summer long. Hit up Big Winds or Gorge Surf Shop for the best lessons in the area.

Relax at Hood River Waterfront Park

There are plenty of beaches along the Columbia River in Hood River but there is only one spot for the best waterside experience. Hood River Waterfront Park features a long shallow shoreline, letting your kids enjoy the water without having to worry about them venturing off into the deep end. An adjacent playground lets the younger kids spend countless hours swinging around.

Travel Up to Mt. Hood

For the best trails in the area you need to make your way up to Mt. Hood. While Mt. Hood is about a half an hour drive away, it will provide near limitless hiking and biking trails the whole family can enjoy. Umbrella Falls continues to be one of the most popular trails for locals and is only 4 and a half miles long, making it one of the easier trails for the family.

Hood River Family Activities at Local Festivals

The summer season features many local festivities, races, and Hood River family activities for the family to check out. The 4th of July fireworks and parade continue to impress each year. Cheer on the racers in the Hood 2 River Relay. The Roy Webster Cross-Channel Swim lets professional swimmers try their hand at raising charity in the area. Each event in Hood River features exciting celebrations that the whole family would love to see.

Your Hood River Destination Getaway

For the biggest selection of vacation rentals in Hood River, look no further than our exclusive properties. Choose from value or luxury rentals, each with their own comfort and amenities. Give us a call and we can start setting you up in the right rental for your Hood River family getaway!

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