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Dogs in car

Traveling to Hood River with pets?

Traveling to Hood River with Pets?

Traveling with our furry friends can often be challenging.  They are such a sweet part of family life, but often one bad experience with a poorly trained pet can leave some home owners and lodging companies leery about housing your golden boy or girl.  While you won’t be able to convince a non-pet friendly home to accept your stay, there are quite a few pet friendly Hood River options available if you start planning your trip early!

Here are some tips and hints to help your vacation to Hood River run smoothly:

  • Contact the potential rental company prior to placing a reservation and give clear information about your furry friend’s breed, size and temperament.  Clear, open communication builds trust in the rental relationship and allows both parties to feel at ease with the arrangement.  This will also keep any potential misunderstandings from occurring – like the neighbor reporting your Bull Mastiff when the rental owner was expecting a Chihuahua!  This easy step can avoid unnecessary discomfort or additional fees.
  • Make sure you are clear on additional costs that might be associated with bringing along your pet.  Most hosts charge a moderate daily fee and/or additional cleaning fees to accommodate pets.  Feel free to ask questions if you don’t feel clear about the charges.
  • Ask questions you might have concerns about.  Just because a home advertises a yard doesn’t mean it is fully fenced and exactly like your yard at home.  Get the low down so you can be fully prepared for your stay with necessary leashes, baby gates or crates.
  • Be aware that most hosts do not allow pets to be left unattended in the rental home.  This is for the safety of the furniture and home as well as the comfort of your pooch.  Something to think about before arrival….will you bring a crate for your pet?  If the weather is hot or cold, where will they be while you are dining, shopping etc?  Having a good plan helps the vacation flow smoothly!
  • Be aware of noise…did you know Hood River recently passed a strict noise ordinance along with fines?  It’s true – quiet time is from 10pm to 7am, and this means everything from parties to whining/barking pets.
  • Let’s say you’ve made the reservations, all is well and you arrive to a lovely home all ready to relax – and you notice a large stain on the rug.  It never hurts to snap a quick picture and give your host a call.  This let’s them know you are conscientious, as well as confirming you are not responsible for the accident.  On the same token, if you or your beloved DOES make a stain or accidentally breaks something – call the host immediately.  They will work with you and reparations will be much less painful if you fess up from the beginning!
  • Keep in mind your host truly wants you to enjoy your stay…so if you have questions ASK!  The locals know where the best trails and parks are for you and your furry companion.
  • There are several good resources locally in Hood River to help make you stay more fun.  Cascade Pet Camp offers an amazing experience if you need to board your baby for a night or longer!  And Gorge Dog in downtown Hood River has every little thing your best buddy needs – from rain slickers and daypacks to booties and whole foods.  Make sure to stop in and get a treat!

Enjoy your travels with your loved ones, human and hairy!

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